Monday, July 16, 2007


For verily the warning concerning is truth. For verily it does lay in the eyes of people and it grows in and foundates in their sick dieased hearts! Aoothubilllah!!!

By Allah, from this day forwad InshaaAllah, i will stop telling certain people stuff, for by Allah their eyes are deadly and their heart is very envious. I've seen this for some time, only i try to give the benefit of the doubt before i actually place a name, tittle, or whatever on, or to, someone. In this case, its been well long enough for me to see, the slimy dieased reality, of this situation.

Its a shame the envy that thrives in peoples chests, its horrible how some people act such a way to the people but in reality they are a snake in the grass, a wolf in sheeps clothing, and their intentions are deadly enough to knock you out, literally.

From now on , any and everything ( InshaaAllah) that goes on with me i wont tell it to a soul, except with those whom i know beyond doubt i can confide . SubhanAllah! it's like some people have the hearts of The Prophet Yusufs ( alayhis salaam) brothers.

Some people are just nosy for no reason, always concerning themselves with the affairs of others, but NEVER! with the intention to help or aid or to better the situation; rather only for some information to know, for someone to judge, for something to talk about, someone to critisize, something to think themselves ABOVE , they carry the diease of Envy and the diease and transgression of arrogance. Little is what these kinds of people know.

SubhanAllah!! SubhanAllah!!

Laa hawla wa laa qoowata illa billah!!

Laa illaha illAllah wa7dahu laa shareekala, lahul Mulku wa lahul Hamdu wa huwa 3la kuli shay'in qadir.

Laa illah ill ant, khalaqtani wa ana abdook, wa ana ala abdeek wa wa3'deek.

SubhanAllah wa bihamdi , SubhanAllahul 3dheem.

Friday, July 13, 2007

It's Been some time...

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh wa ala ebaadah lahis saaliheen.

I've not had the time to update lately, normally i make these blogs and become bored with them respectivly, but this one im content with for the moment, just failed to have the words to write in it, and time to even think it thur fully. Allahu Mustaan.

MashaaAllah life is pretty smooth as i've taken my own advice in the post below this and gotten my own two feet back on the ground by the premission and mercy of my Lord Most High. Its very much an aid to my own bright ( InshaaAllah ) future.

Wow, on the forum i go to, which im a moderator of, its this major clean up and re-organization task/project thats taking place , and Al Hamdulillah I dont have power over the 'Basic Islam' section, because boy do those MOds, have their work cut out for them. Sadly, the next section to be worked on inshaaAllah is the 'general' section, and i happen to have powers over that section, which means my work is soon to come inshaaAllah.

Still, I couldnt imagine that section needing a third of the work that the Basic Islam section needs. Which means InshaaAllah the work shall be managable.

I've got this horrible headache , guy. It's like a spiltting pounding vibe. May Allah cure me Ameen. I think i need glasses thats how come. My vision hasnt been proper lately, and ive started having these headaches too, so im thinking prehaps thats the problem here; that i can not see properly so its causing strain on my head or however allz that goes.

InshaaAllah ive got to learn this Surah for class, SubhanAllah i've been so extradinarly behind this week. But inshaaAllah i'll learn it before i leave the rock this week inshaaAllah.

I went to the doctor today mashaaAllah, and i wanted to cry i felt so violated, i had to get an overall checkup and i had to put on one of those gown thingys, and take all my clothes off cept my undies of coures....SubhanAllah i wanted to cry, i dont see how in the world a women could undress herself like that in front of a man doctor and have him examing her in places no one should even LOOK at, and feel comfortable with that. I was at a women doctor, and wanted soooooooo much for it to just be over with, i hated it with a passion , subhanAllah even tho it wasnt even tht bad, only an outward body examination, but STILL! i was particularly naked! and this women was...ugh i dont even want to recall, i just hated it, its so unmodest SubhanAllah!! i felt violated having to take off my khaimar and juba and niqaab and put on that paper 'gown' =( ....I was sayin to myself over and over " Oh Allah guard my modesty, Oh Allah protect my dignity" .....Laa hawla wa laa quwata ila billah. May Allah make it easy Ameen.

Whats else i have to ramble about? hmm.....nothing really, ive got to sleep! im sooooo sleepy and this headache subhanAllah. Im going to inshaaAllah check in 'The Prophets medicine' and see whats the cures for headaches. InshaaAllah if I find some time in the near future i'll post up what it says about it.

May Allah keep us upon the path which is striaght, and surround us around that and those whom HE loves. Ameen!

Was salaamun alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh