Monday, July 16, 2007


For verily the warning concerning is truth. For verily it does lay in the eyes of people and it grows in and foundates in their sick dieased hearts! Aoothubilllah!!!

By Allah, from this day forwad InshaaAllah, i will stop telling certain people stuff, for by Allah their eyes are deadly and their heart is very envious. I've seen this for some time, only i try to give the benefit of the doubt before i actually place a name, tittle, or whatever on, or to, someone. In this case, its been well long enough for me to see, the slimy dieased reality, of this situation.

Its a shame the envy that thrives in peoples chests, its horrible how some people act such a way to the people but in reality they are a snake in the grass, a wolf in sheeps clothing, and their intentions are deadly enough to knock you out, literally.

From now on , any and everything ( InshaaAllah) that goes on with me i wont tell it to a soul, except with those whom i know beyond doubt i can confide . SubhanAllah! it's like some people have the hearts of The Prophet Yusufs ( alayhis salaam) brothers.

Some people are just nosy for no reason, always concerning themselves with the affairs of others, but NEVER! with the intention to help or aid or to better the situation; rather only for some information to know, for someone to judge, for something to talk about, someone to critisize, something to think themselves ABOVE , they carry the diease of Envy and the diease and transgression of arrogance. Little is what these kinds of people know.

SubhanAllah!! SubhanAllah!!

Laa hawla wa laa qoowata illa billah!!

Laa illaha illAllah wa7dahu laa shareekala, lahul Mulku wa lahul Hamdu wa huwa 3la kuli shay'in qadir.

Laa illah ill ant, khalaqtani wa ana abdook, wa ana ala abdeek wa wa3'deek.

SubhanAllah wa bihamdi , SubhanAllahul 3dheem.

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