but of course it lives in into a new year, with new dreams and hopes dropped and fallen apart. Who would have thought after the trips and plans and the talk it would still be at a blinking red light, the one that makes you stop and go and stop and go, then in the end you realize that you havent goten anywhere at all in the end, or so much time has passed more than what you can say for your distance and dispite your tireless efforts your still in eye distance of were you were yesterday or a month ago or 6 months ago or even 2 years ago.
oh and
Bismi Allah was salaatu was salaamu ala Rasulullah
wa ba'd...
As salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barkaatuh.
and if youre not Muslim and reading this then fristly become muslim, and secondly then contact me and i'll teach you the meaning, the blessing, and the wisdom of the above words InshaaAllah, oh and that too.
Anyway, on to the rest of the blog
Whilst this damaaj situation is highly frustrating and im so ready to leave, like ive been since 2006, I'm doing my best with bareing patience " Verily Allah is with the Patient" Al Baqarah.
Moreover, i've been missing from this blog world for quit sometime all of my blogs are empty and deserted, but MashaaAllah. Spare time for other activities and matters of life. So Al Hamdulillah to everything that Allah has willed will will and is willing now. For wisdom is in everything, although we know only but a little bit. Light, food for the soul!! Knowlegde more important than the food we eat, more critical than any other matter of life. It not only gives life, it sustains it, it resurrects it, and keeps it going until its commander it's Lord , Allahu Al Kareem Ar Raheem calls its host back, and when Allah calls us back may our parasit aka knowlegde be of benefit to us and not a proof agaisnt us Ameen! and we seek refuge in Allah from being like the companions of the monkeys and pigs Ameen!! We ask Allah to make us of those who gain knowlegde teach it to others and do NOT become arrogant and deceptive by it Ameen THUMMA Ameen!!
Life death then life again without a death ever to reach you, ohhh the beauty of such a life we've been given, even though it gets hard for us all, but Allah is able to do all things, sometimes i think we all forget but may Allah not cause us to account for what we forget or do unknowingly Ameen
I have alot to say but dont really know where to start, right now isnt the best time to try to write, my thoughts and ideas are scattered, may i'll grace this way InshaaAllah, in a few days, or a week or so when im relaxed or as my baby brother says "delaxed" lol. and calm.
Oh and for anyone who may read this , I dont know how popular he is, but theres a reciter i found out about maybe a year ago now, and i had never heard of him before, Hes a shaykh though, and so is his son, Big time shaykh too MashaaAllah, may Allah preserve our mashaykh Ameen!!!! and when they are no longer preserved may Allah replace them with our sons and even daughters Ameen!!
But yeah His name is:
Shaykh Muahmmad Al Luhaidan
His sons' name is:
Shaykh Salih Ibn Muhammad al Luhaidan
Shaykh Muhammad Al Luhaidan has the most beautiful voice ive ever heard in my life, it surpasses every qari ive ever heard by FAR MashaaAllah Al HAmdulillah!! May Allah protect it and preserve it Ameen! May He be of those people who are said to recite and ascend Ameen!
May Allah forgive me and have mercy upon me and the Muslimoon around the world. OH Allah we are in dying need of your mercy Ar Raheem So shed it on us, Yaa Rabb the Muslimoon are weak you are Strong anf well capable so strengthen them Ameen!! Yaa Al Baseer expose and destory the compainons of the monkeys and pigs and return to us our lands and our Masjid Aqsa Ameen!
And with Allah Al Kareem Al Adheem is the sucess.
Was salaamun alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
assalaamo 3leikum wa rahmatUllahi wa barakatahu,
I hope this reaches you in the best of spiritual and physical health.
I dont know how i ended up on your blog but i wanted to give you some advice
1st. read the True story of Prophet Yaqub alayhi mussalam and his sone Yusuf alayhimussalam.
2nd. reflect on how patient he was and the very important point that he did not complain about his situation and remained steadfast
3rd. here are a list of sites where you can bust yourself in useful matters while you try and sort out your hijrah
knowledge will build your eeman and strengthen your ability to remain steadfast
4rth. as i have understood you are trying hard for a couple of years to make hijrah
here are some things you might want to consider.
hijrah to Qatar or saudi or emirates by purchasing a property you will get a vise for permanent residence (though you will not receive citizenship)
hijrah to malaysia or indonesia
if you go there with family and end up living there for a certain number of years and learning their language you can apply for and receive citizenship
and you may want to take a look at the other oppurtunities you have in other muslim countries.
remember that in almost every muslim country there are scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal jamaah who are on the manhaj of the salaf
its just a matter of finding them once you get there
here is a list of muslim countries
contact their embassy to see if you can obtain citizenship and what are the procedures.
may Allah give you jannah and istiqamah and preserve you and make your emaan grow high and strong
assalamu alaikum, sister are you still in Nassau?? I'm a muslimah living in Nassau too, perhaps we know each other?
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