Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Certainly it has been...

An extremely long time since i've blog on any write empyt space.

It's been so long seems like i've lived an entire lifetime and then some, so much of nothing and something has happened.

aht, BismiAllah wa Al Hamdulillah was salaatu was salaamu ala Rasulullah

wa ba'd...

The most noticable thing would probably be me moving from nasaau Al Hamdulillah, Living in a Muslim country has got to be one of the wonders of this dunyah, SubhanAllah...Every Salah time "Aaaaalllllahu Akbaaarrrr Allllllllllllllllllllllllllahhhhhu Akbar" the wonder of my day FIVE times a day. Yeah yeah, of course theres the bad things, but when you think about it, its not even that important.

I love it!! Al Hamdulillah Allahuma Barak, GRATFUL am I to Allah for this ni3'ma before me. It's Ramadhaan so I don't care much to blog , as I should be busying myself with righteous deeds , so InshaaAllah the night of eid or after i'll update. lol, I talk as if im talking to someone, ahh blogging is a funny thing.

laa ilaaha ila Allah

I leave you passerbyers ( i know! its not a word) with a video from my beloved Qari Muhammad Luhaydan ! May Allah preserve him Ameen!

well two videos hehe..

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakaatuh

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