BismiAllah wa Al Hamdulillah was salaatu was salaam ala Rasulu Allah
wa ba'd...
As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakaatuh
I thought to share this video lecture from shaykh al aalamah Rabee al madkhali hafidhahullah!, SubhanAllah how i love this man, may Allah have mercy on him in this life and the next Ameen. It is amazing to hear our schoalrs talk, they are a people whom Allah has truely blessed with wisdom and knowldge, subhanAllah. I absolutely LOVE Shaykh Rabee, oh how i wish i could sit at his feet and learn from him, subhanAllah. May Allah make him from the dwellers of the highest ranks of Jannah Ameen.
with what proceeds...
May Allah allow the benefit intended to be the benefit gained by every person who hears this, and may Allah reward generously our Shaykh our father, Aalamah Rabee Al Madkhali, for verily Alah is Al Ghani and never becomes less in anything and is able to do all things. Ameen.
Now i give you another video of my favorite Qari, may Allah preserve him, This one is pretty short, but its meaning is extraordinary as it has THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NAMES in it. May Allah aid us to memorize and learn, with its true meaning, His names and live our lives by the Quran and Sunnah Ameen, verily Allah is able to do all things.
may Allah have mercy on us all this ramadhaan, and make us from those whom He frees from the fire of hell in this month, or outside of it Ameen and may we be those who fast by all its meanings and not just meerly leaving food and drink Ameen . OH Allah this ummah is in need of rectification so rectify it , oh Allah aid us to your striaght way ameen, Ilaahana have mercy on us as you had mercy on Ibrahim and Moosa and Eesa and Muhammad Ameen Oh Allah make the hell fire haram upon us and cause us to enter jannah Ameen
Glorified and Supreme are YOU oh ALLAH over all that they associate with you, High and Exalted are you, I praise you and seek forgivness of my sins as no one can forgive sins except you
Was salaatu was salaamu ala Rasulu Allah.
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