Monday, October 6, 2008

Forgetting isn't always excused

BismiAllah wal hamdulillah was salatu was salaamu ala RasuluAllah

wa ba'd

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakaatuh

Allah says in the Quran that he who forgets Allah then Allah will cause him to forget his own self. SubhanAllah, Aoothubillah mina adhabilllah Ameen.

Allah warns us of forgetting Him, or being unaware of Him, is a bettering wording i think, and He subhaana, warns us of being neglectful of our current life and forgetting our after life SubhanAllah. May Allah make us from those righteous people who are always aware of our Lord Allah jalla jalala Ameen, and may Allah make us from those who do every single thing for His sake Ameen.

I was reading this lesson, im not sure if it is a poem or not, but anyways, by Shaykul Islam Ibnul Qayyim al jawziyah , it is tittled ' ten things waste', and after reading it or watching the video of it, all i could say was waylaka ' woe be to you' meaning myself, woe be to me, for i have not accomplished anything, and what kind of scale will i have when i have wasted everything, be it intentionally or unintentionally, Allahu Mustaan. Wasting time and actions and speech on this dunyah which will certainly perish one day, but it is only shaytan and our nafs who cause us to forget the promise of our Lord Allah, and surely! the promise of Allah is Haqqul Yaqeen, Truth with a certainty, truth without a doubt, woe be to me for the time i have wasted busying myself in joy and fun now, and trading my paradise then for paradise now, like shaykh ibn uthaimeen ( i believe it was ibn uthaimeen , may Allah forgive me if i am wrong) said to his wife " relaxtion is in paradise!" so what is this, that i find myself relaxing in a world that won't exist one day, AstaghfiruAllah. Forgetting isn't always excused

May Allah make us strong believers, as He loves the stron believers over the weak ones, and may Allah make us from those who are never ghaafiloon ameen!

Ibnul Qayyims' lesson is below inshaaAllah..

our knowledge....wasted by not taking action with it.

our actions... wasted by commiting them without sincerity

our wealth... wasted by using on things that will not bring us ajr. we waste our money, our status, our authrotity , on things which have no benefit in this life or in the akhirah

our hearts...wasted because they are empty from the love of Allah, and the feeling of longing to go to Him, and a feeling of peace and contentment. In its place, our hearts are filled with something or someone else.

our bodies....wasted because we dont use theem in ibaadah and service of Allah

our love...our emotional love is misdirected , not towards Allah, but towards somethin/ someone else.

our time....wasted, not used properly , to compensate for that which has passed, by doing what is righteous to make up for past deeds

our intellect...wasted on things that are not benefical , that are detrimental to society and the individual, not in contemplation or reflection.

our service....wasted in service of someone who will not bring us closer to Allh, or benefit in dunyah

our dhikr...wasted because it does not effect our deeds

I would have posted the actually video but it has an nasheed in it, and an nasheed are haram, so i don't want to be responsible for whomever doesn't turn their speakers off.

Oh Allah make for me with You, a House in Your Jannah Ameen! I ask this for myself, and my mother then my family, and my close companion and her family.

Was salallahu ala Muhammad.

Amma Ba'd....

I heard this lecture which i will post inshaaAllah from my favorite da'ee who isn't with us anymore, may Allah make his grave spacious and his feet firm Ameen, and i love it so much, as it is surely a reminder, and may Allah make us true believers who benefit from reminders.





May Allah make the benefit intended be the benefit taken Ameen

was sallallahu ala Muhammad

was salaamun alaikum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakaatuh

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