Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Problem is...

I've fogotten who to take my problems and concers to. I've been tengled into a web of confusion, doubt and self pity. I've allowed my own fears, failed attemtps at unaccomplished dreams; to hinder me from a life a part.

And With the Wisdom of My Lord Most High Most Great, He has let me drag along likea slug on a rainy hot day, in this deceiving web long enough , for me to see what self pity , lack of determination and no reliance can do. Even when you think youre on top of things you must always remember to grab hold to your religion and not let it go. I love my Lord Most High , and it's time to show it from the inside out, for His sake alone!! Not because my own selfish goals, or not because my teacher expects it out of me, or because this and that person did it, or because they think i can; rather because my Lord has sent regulations upon this earth for those who wish to take heed , and He has made waajib upon me certains things, and He has sent parables and lessons in This Book Al Quraan Al Kaarim, for us to read, memorize, and implement into our daily lives.

Giving up hope, and having lack of determination will not do anything for a person who wishes to see Allah face on that Inveitable Day, which Our Lord promised .

The point is, rather i have someone around me to tell me keep going, or to believe in me, or to help me, i still have this Book to Guide me, and Allah to answer me in the third of the night. I have Allah Al 3'la at my disposal and I still try to handle affairs on my own. Astagfirullah. Yaa Rabbi.

I see now that it's not about who your teacher is, or what you use to do, or what your friends know, or how you USE to be, rather its who you ARe, what you do with the teacher you have, and how competetive you are in seeking knoweldge with your righteous and upright friends. Its about fighting Jihaadul nafs every single second of the day, its about Fighting in the case of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'la , for YOUR sake, meaning whilst in your grave and standing to be taken account of. All your writtings, your reading, your praying, your memorization is only a goodly Loan to Allah for YOUR own sake, not his, Allah is Al Ghaani and free of need from anyone and anything.

So its time I wake up and see where my focus should really be, and even when I thought i knew before this is Allah reminding me just in case i forgot, and surely I have forgotten. This is not a joke, this life of ours.
" Qul inni salaati wa nusuki wa mahyaati wa mamaati lillahi rabbil 3alaameen laa sharikalah..."
"Say my praying and my sacarficing and my living and my dying is for Allah, The Lord of all that exist, and I associate nothing onto him...."

And this is what we are meant to live by, "mahyaati wa mamaati" ; " My living andmy dying" you know what that means? it means " kulli nafsi qaaidatil maut" ; " Every soul shall taste death" Which means we must prepare for it, and we must lend a goodly loan to Allah so we may have something to show for us on that day, keeping in mind that Allah has no need of us, or we're not doing this because Allah 'needs' us to, rather He is Rich and free from all needs, and we need HIM!

So may Allah azza wa jal make all of the Mu'min strive in his cause. Make our living and dying truely for His sake, and His sake alone. because " Verily in the rememberance of Allah do hearts find rest"....and...."Verily the party of Allah is the sucessful party"...and..." Those who will be given their books in their right hand will say "here read my record""

and..." Those who will be given their book in their left hand will say I wish that i had not been giving it and i wish that I knew not what my account was I wish that it ( meaning death) would have been my end"

May Allah subhanahu wa ta'la have mercy upon us and make us from those who recieve their record in their Right hand and be delighted on that day, and whose graves are spacious and The Jannah is opened up for Allahuma AMEEN!!!!!!!

Yaa Al Ghafoor forgive me for where i fall short, what i forgot, and what i did knwoingly and what i did unknowingly Ameen Yaa Ar Raheem have mercy upon me like you had mercy upon Ebraahim when you saved him from the fire, and have Mercy upon me like you had mercy on the people of the cave Ameen. Guide me and make me from ashabul yameen Ameen Set me upright and make me from al mutaqoon Yaa Dhul Jalaali wal Ikraam Ameen.

Sufficent for me is Allah, Rabbus Samawaat wal ard. And no one and nothing is more Beloved by me than Allah azza wa jal and Rasulullah ( sallallahu alahi wa salaam).

"Fasabbih bismi rabbikal Adheem"
"So Glorified be the name of your Lord The Superme"

Was salaamu alay

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Al Muslim Akhul Muslim!!

Qaala Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa salaam "........At taqwa haahuna, ( wa huwa pointed ila sadruh thalaatha marrah) Al Muslim Akhul Muslim......" Rawaahu Muslim ( if im not mistaken)

Translations: The Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa salaam said ".....The taqwa, it is here ( and he pointed to his chest three times) The Muslim is the Brother to the Muslim....." Related by Muslim. ( If Im not mistaken)

I have two things which i like as hobbies:

1. Martial arts, weaponary, fighting, archery, boot camp style training, sports....or in so many words anything which has to do with a combat skill , or a fighting defense skill at whole. or some intense form of workout.

2. Marine life. Animals at large, but particularly the marine life. Its something majestic about them over the land animals. Allah is ever Most Wise.

So now youre probably sracthing your head wondering what does that hadeeth and my hobbies have to do with each other..? Well its indirectly connected.


I was just wacthing this Navy Seals video about how they train, the techniques and all that stuff, drills and generally that sort of thing. In one of the videos they have to semi learn some form of martial arts as well as boxing alongside wrestling. So in the course of the video one of the seals said something that made my stomach turn , his statement was " Its a competition, yes, when we wrestling each other, but we're 'brothers' so its never any hard feelings, its just a competetion."

*stare blankly*

I was taken aback a bit. I looked at that and the rest of the videos for that matter, and i said to myself, "wow" these people consider each other brothers, warriors alongsie one another, fighting hand and hand ( even if its only in theory, they are trained and molded to believe this) , and they are doing this, with all that loyalty, and trust, because you MUST trsut someone in order to think he'll 'cover' you when youre under attack, their motto of never leveing a man down, never leaving a man behind, their STRICT! system of respect, and honour and loyalty and bond and all these things. With not a word of guidance From Allah subhanahu wa ta'la, again taken aback.

Now dont misunderstand, I wasn't impressed with them, i was sadden at this Ummah; seeing how the Prophet sallalhu alahi wa salaam has told us over and over in many places about how we are to be one to another, and directly tells us we're brothers one to another, and that we shouldnt backbit one another, or steal from each other, or undercut one another, or belittle one another, or hold each other in comtempt. THAT is our deen, it is suppose to be what this Ummah is all about, how we are suppose to be, yet you have people stomping all over us , swatting us out of the way like mere dragon flys, demolishing all the hardwork that the ashaab and the Propeht sallallahu alahi wa salaam work for. All of our Muslim countries slowly but surely perishing, all of our brotherhood, slowly but surely fading, they dont even need to fight us anymore, we just havent put the sword down and returned to our religion yet, so they let us fight ourselves. It sad, because i think, this ummah is not only NOT at jihaad when we NEED to be for all the flith and evil that exist, but we CANT fight jihaad no matter how much we wanted to, because NONE of the conditions of jihaad are met, with 2.3 or so BILLION! Muslims around the globe, we cant fight jihaad? SubhanAllah *lowers head in shame* .

Or stepping down from that extreme, 2.3 semi billion Muslims on the globe and we can't help one another in worldly needs? Thers no way to be more Muslims owned , sharee'ah ran businesses? Theres no way to have more Muslim owned, Sharee'ah conducted schools? NAY! but yet! what we do have is Muslim owned corner stores with every sin from the front to the back cover of the Quran. Every prohibition its made you see in their stores. This is what you see. And they wonder they war in Iraq " oh my" oh my NOTHING! . RETURN back to your religion and maybe the kufr will get their FOOTS from your necks. Stop being so cowardly and fleeing leaving your women and children to be handeled however these kaafiroon see fit, and you will not be so oppressed. ALLAH SAID "THE KUFAR HAS NOT BEEN SENT AS WATCHES OVER YOU" and what does YOU mean? it means THE MUSLIMSSSSS!!!!!!!! THIS UMMAH! Allah raised HIGH the rank of the Ashaab of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa salaam, EVEN with their small their fight against the Romans for persia, it was 200,000 romans and a mere 44,000 Muslims. And they not only didnt RUN! but they FOUGHT! and they conquered...allllll because of their keeping firm to their religion. Believing in Allah, trusting in Allah, hoping, fearing LOVING ALLAH! Because they were a people who understand that all you have IS ALLAH!

Yaa Rabbus samawaati wal ard. *sigh*

We're suppose to be brothers and sisters man, whats so hard about that? dont these Muslims realize they when they jump off the deep end and start doing all sorts of sin and trangression , that they send the name 'Islam' down that same rut? Is this not plain to the eye view? Do you not know that this Ummah is ONE, and what you do affects this entire body, this entire ummah.

Yaa Rabb please turn us Back to the Religion of Ibraahim and Muhammad Ameen!

Subhanaka lahuma wa bihamdika wa ashhadu anlaailaha illaah wa asghfiruka wa atoobuilay.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Damaaj Dilema.....

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh..

Or whats better wording is hijrah dilema. SubhanAllah im sooo ready to GET OFF THIS ISLAND! and everytime i turn around its a problem with us leaving...this isnt good because of this, the kids this, the land that, the this that the that this *pulls out hair* I know every family has differenet situation and conditions and limitations and obsticles but Allah Ar Rahman, im getting soooooooooo ENTIRELY fed up. Wallah im ready to leave this side of the world, I.HATE.THE.WEST. PERIOOOOOOOD!!!! I really do SubhanAllah i DO! I know, Allah knows i know it wont be easy, and it takes some getting use to, but if i can get use to this flith ive been living in for the past 3 years, then it should take me half that time to adjust to a MUSLIM LAND! like damaaj anyway. Wallahi im sick of looking for the easy way out. Im sick of feeling like adjusting to the eastern ways of living and landscapping is so 'difficult' to adjust and adapt to. I hear about the sahaabi and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salaam and i hear the STRUGGLE they went thru, and yemen and the poorest african countries together cant amount to that burden. Why was it so easy for them to accept the struggle , and struggle in the path, and its so hard for us to even imagine?

I'm not wanting to die over here, i pray Allah doesnt disgrace me and kill me amongst these lowly flithy humans, i want to have the honour of a proper funeral, of being situated next to a MUSLIM grave. The horror in the thought of having to live for however many years amongst these kaafirron and then dying having to lay next to them until the day of judgment. And some mght read and say " psht you wont even care about who youre laying next to whilst in your grave youre just going to be worried with your affairs" If you thought or sai that then you obviously missed the analogy here, its not about the literal sense of he situation, rather emphasising on the point of living with them. Nonetheless, I really want to get off this Island.

I dont want to be one of those Muslims who has been muslim for soooo long and still dont know anything. Psht once my teacher goes back to her country im pretty much doomed, i cant speak arabi yet, which means i wont be able to teacher myself even if i WANTED to. Im sick of being in this dispicible state, engulfed in ignorace and dumbfondedness. Emerged in shirk kufr and low matters of this world, Yaa Allah im exhausted * tears*, i just want to opportunity even if its just for a blink of an eye to see my family, my way of life, my one love walking in full stride next to me and up holding this beautiful religion, i just want to have the opportunity even if its a split ear of a sec to hear a Shaykh speak LIVE! Just , Yaa Rabbi, to have the chance to be around learned righteous people who helps me to the path to Jannah, just a chance at life, because this what ive been living for the past 18 years isnt living. This is not what i consider to be life, i feel so dead, so burden, so held down and submerged under a thick blanket of tangled webs and misguided foes. I want to be that soil that the rain pours upon and i not only accept the rain, but it seeps into my cover and nurture my roots and brings forth beautiful vegetation or a blossom of flowers or grass to graze on.

This is my heart, that is my soul, here you find my ultimate strive, *tear* and i cant do that on this side of the wrong, where everything i just mentioned is the absolute opposite. Every sin every commited is sooo wide speard, every prohibition ever sent is over stepped all the time, ever halal thing ever laid, is mock at and they take as a means of jest and jokes. Im sick of that, honestly to the depths of my soul , im entirely sick of that. And i want out, i want By the premission of my Lord Most High, a life.

Yaa Allah please give me patiences in this diversed time of hardship, Yaa Al Quddus please not become angery for me if i fall short and am upset with your qadr in a blame worthy way. Yaa Al Mu'min please set me upon the straight path, Yaa AR-Raheem please forgive me. Yaa Dhul Jalaali wal ikram, please make easy my affairs and bring forth to me what is khair for my living and my dying ...Yaa Rabbul Arshil Adheem Allahuma Ameen!!!


<3<3 I hearrrt that book SubhanAllah. I Heart Ahaadeeth thats why. Its many terms to memorize but I love it anyway. I've been flunking off however ( may Allah forgive me and Increase me Ameen) but im going to start being serious InshaaAllah again. Just printed a bunch of notes from the revisoin section on LI, so inshaaAllah with the help and aid of Allah and then theses notes I be on my merry way woot!

MashaaAllah my step dad went to yaman! Im soo jealous lol, ( not in an evil way) I hope he gets everything striaghten so when he comes back , we can goooooooooooo. Oh Allah make it easy upon us Ameennnnn! Man i dont even have a clue of the joy i would truly feel turning to my left and right and nothing but niqaabis and women who have shame and cover themselves, and men who have shame and cover their awrah aswell. and learned students, and pious men and women and the EXTRAAAA bounus, MASHYAKH! SubhanAllah * tear* i think i'd fall in prostration honest to Allah i think i would. I know the Muslims countries arent all that grand sometimes, and they are people to but its much better than here times 100,000,000 without DOUBT!

The worst Muslim is still better than the best kaafir. And i cling to that statement dearly, because I don't want to be one of those Muslims who love a kaafir over my fellow Muslim bro or sis, no matter what he or she does. Allah is Ar Raheem , mankind sins by night and day and he forgives us if we remember and repent, and he aids us , and guides us after wronging oursevles, so why wouldnt i do the same.

That mentality is what im InshaaAllah taking to yaman with me. I hear sooooo many Muslims say how other Muslims come to the Muslim countries and then leave because the Muslim neighbour was this and that....and leave to go back to the land of the kufr, Aoodhubillah min dhalik. The mu'min is the one who strives and struggles in the path of Allah, not the one who encounters small hardships and then threw in the rags and say "kahlas!! im out of here"....Aoodhubillah.

May Allah save my family and Myself from being like that Ameen. Because i dont eveeeeeeeeeeeer want to return to the land of kufr after going to a khair Muslim land.

I feel like Hasan al basree rahimahullah who use to close his eyes when seeing a kaafir , not wanting to even LOOK at what Allah was displeased with.

Especially these horrible bahamians who are christians, i hate what they are upon and it boils me OVER when they mock at me once having the diease in their hearts of shirk and kufr. How dare they!? But then i clam myself because my Lord says They laugh at us now, but on that day we shall laugh at them. And Yaa Allah i can barely wait. But still i want out of this place. No where for a person who is concern with his or her deen. Its a place that the shayateen of men and jinn have taken over, and good hardly lives, if any at all.

Anyhow i need to go pray chit chat later InshaaAllah....

Was salaamun alay

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Im new here yayay

Bismi Allah.

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

Im in a praticularly good mood Al Hamdulillah. I love my Lord. *sigh* Anyways, Im UmmAbdellah, my kunyah is suficent for you peoples InshaaAllah. Im live in the crumbhole Bahamas. Its not Allahs Island im upset with, its the flithy people on it. These flithy christians, yeah thats right, im not jihaadi so dont take my words like war or anything, but if Allahs earth, sky and mountains are ready to split asunder and brust at their lie that Allah has a son, then how am i suppose to feel about it? Im Salafee InshaaAllah, MashaaAllah..ooooo ive said the 'S' word wow, people so afriad of that now a days, the salafiyoon are being outkasted by all the other sects its hilarious and sad at the same time, but at the same time it assures me im on the right path. Anyhow back to the topic at hand.

I live on bahamas physically but i long night and day to live in the wondeful Damaaj, Yaman. To study there and grow and be amongst the people of ilm. You will come to learn that i am absolutlyyyyyyy CRAZY over SHAYKHUL ISLAM IBN TAYMIYYAH AND IBN QAYYIM AL JAWZIIIIIIIII , the two men after Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa salaam, whom i love dearest. Im IN LOVE with the science of AHAADEETH . These men are sufficent for me SubhanAllah, Rahmatullahi alaykum AMEEN! I long for that kind of compainon, that kind of figure around me to teach me love me for Allahs sake and nuture me for the pleasure of Allah. *sigh* May Allah raise them amongst the best of mankind and fix them in HIGH RANKS in JANNATUL FIRDAUS ,ALLAHUMA AMEEN YAA RABBUL AALAMEEN.

So yes, I wish to be just like them InshaaAllah. My biggest female role model is Aishah bintul Abi Bakr, RadiyAllahu anha , SUBHANAALLAH i love this women. My frist child shall bear her name in hopes that she bears her character. Allahu Akbar , *sad* we dont have women like her anymore SubhanAllah. Everything about her i love, everything about what she did for the pleasure of Allah azza wa jal . May Allah be pleased with her and honour her amongst the best of people on that day, and shade her under his shade AMEEEEEEEEEEN!

After her, my next biggest role model is Aishah bintul shaykh , also known as Shaykha UmmAbdellah al wadee'ah, also known as Daughter of Shaykh Muqbil al hadee' Rahimahullahu ta'ala. Another wonderful Man TabarakAllah. I love this women too, having never met her i only know from my teachers ( whom studied in damaaj Al Hamdulillah) what they say of her, and im absolutly overjoyed at the stories. I wish to sit with such a women , to show me how to be a women, wife, and believer in these days and times. Her father did indeed InshaaAllah fulfill his rights upon her, and she accepted his guidence and blossomed into what i consider the greatest role model of our time. What an approperate name she has MashaaAllah.

Im just so overwhlemed with learning, i dislike to die now before i have accomplished all the knowlegde i can from the people who are wise and well learned, with and by the premission of Allah only.

Allah is my greast hope, my deepest love and my greatest fear. May he make me amongst the people i spoke of Ameen. May he rectify this ummah and bring us as one again, Ameen. May he make all of us muwahidoon Ameen, and Muhsineen Ameen, and Full us with taqwa Ameen, and Tawakil Ameen. And Glorified be the Lord of the heavens and the earth. Praise be upon The Light of the heavens and earth. The Light upon Light. Exatled be the name of our Lord, Allah.

Yaa Rabbi. I really want to study in yaman and live in saudi arabi one day. *sigh* chances of living in saudi is like slim to none, and slim just left town. Im so sad about that. Maybe Allah will bless me with an upright husband who lives there.

Ha, Marriage, a whole nother issue. I have told myself enough time that im virtually married to Ibn taymiyyah Rahimahullah, that im the one who reminded him to get married ( sounds silly i know) until now i actually feel taken already. lol SubhanAllah i have issues. I want to be so much like him until i dont even want to get married either, even though i know he advised against it and he simply forgot but when i think of my hereafter and i think of my state now , and i think about how much i NEED to do and havent even learned yet, i dont see where marriage is anywhere in that fold of 'happening'. Yaa Allah it so doesnt even seem like its time for that, of course i know thats not the actuality of the situation but thats how i feel. I feel like the only want it'll actually work is if my husband is super pious like i want him to be and learne, and patient with me and TEACHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS me what he learns in a day, even if its just a mere hadeeth, and a short ayat, but he has regrades to me, and concern with my learning and wants the Jannah for me so he stays on top of me teaching me, and busying me with classes and we keep each other busied in what is khair for our hereafter and the little that concerns us on this earth. But if i cant find that i dont want anything. Because its not worth it subhanAllah its not. I rather die like this than marry someone who tears my plans of becoming a firm Taalibul ilm away. Or who doesnt have my better interest in mind and merely looks at me as a chef and maid. But one who partakes in the chore of PARENTING and teaches his childeren, and wises for them to be righteous and virtous, and learned. Making little Muhammads sallallahu alaihi wa salaam and Aishahs radiyAllahu anha out of them, and not making them the newest models and foolish people.

I have faith and hopes that my childern can be that righteous child who intersedes on my behalf on that Day. And i have hopes that my son can be the next sudais in respect to leading the salaat in the haramain. I have hopes that my daughter can be the next Shaykhah UmmAbdellah. But for someone to not share those same hopes with me SubhanAllah it would tear my whole world apart and then to me, my living and dying wouldnt be for Allahs sake anymore. Because whats it to me and man who doesnt strive hard for Allahs sake? and has no dreams of a higher place in this Dunyah in the Sight of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'la? Or has no future for his children and his 'flock'. This man to me is worthless and sterve of no benefit to me at all. Because wealth, worldy gain and status and good looks, wont help his nor my case come yawma Qiyaamah UNLESS we spent fi sabilillah, and used our status to help the mu'min and covered our good looks being chaste and modest for Allahs sake and His Sake ALONE.

*sigh* May Allah make it easy. And bring forth what is khair to me for my living and dying, and take away what is the opposite of this . Fajr Adhan just called so until next time InshaaAllah.

As salaamun Alaikum wa rahmatullahu wa barakatuh