Bismi Allah.
As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Im in a praticularly good mood Al Hamdulillah. I love my Lord. *sigh* Anyways, Im UmmAbdellah, my kunyah is suficent for you peoples InshaaAllah. Im live in the crumbhole Bahamas. Its not Allahs Island im upset with, its the flithy people on it. These flithy christians, yeah thats right, im not jihaadi so dont take my words like war or anything, but if Allahs earth, sky and mountains are ready to split asunder and brust at their lie that Allah has a son, then how am i suppose to feel about it? Im Salafee InshaaAllah, MashaaAllah..ooooo ive said the 'S' word wow, people so afriad of that now a days, the salafiyoon are being outkasted by all the other sects its hilarious and sad at the same time, but at the same time it assures me im on the right path. Anyhow back to the topic at hand.
I live on bahamas physically but i long night and day to live in the wondeful Damaaj, Yaman. To study there and grow and be amongst the people of ilm. You will come to learn that i am absolutlyyyyyyy CRAZY over SHAYKHUL ISLAM IBN TAYMIYYAH AND IBN QAYYIM AL JAWZIIIIIIIII , the two men after Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa salaam, whom i love dearest. Im IN LOVE with the science of AHAADEETH . These men are sufficent for me SubhanAllah, Rahmatullahi alaykum AMEEN! I long for that kind of compainon, that kind of figure around me to teach me love me for Allahs sake and nuture me for the pleasure of Allah. *sigh* May Allah raise them amongst the best of mankind and fix them in HIGH RANKS in JANNATUL FIRDAUS ,ALLAHUMA AMEEN YAA RABBUL AALAMEEN.
So yes, I wish to be just like them InshaaAllah. My biggest female role model is Aishah bintul Abi Bakr, RadiyAllahu anha , SUBHANAALLAH i love this women. My frist child shall bear her name in hopes that she bears her character. Allahu Akbar , *sad* we dont have women like her anymore SubhanAllah. Everything about her i love, everything about what she did for the pleasure of Allah azza wa jal . May Allah be pleased with her and honour her amongst the best of people on that day, and shade her under his shade AMEEEEEEEEEEN!
After her, my next biggest role model is Aishah bintul shaykh , also known as Shaykha UmmAbdellah al wadee'ah, also known as Daughter of Shaykh Muqbil al hadee' Rahimahullahu ta'ala. Another wonderful Man TabarakAllah. I love this women too, having never met her i only know from my teachers ( whom studied in damaaj Al Hamdulillah) what they say of her, and im absolutly overjoyed at the stories. I wish to sit with such a women , to show me how to be a women, wife, and believer in these days and times. Her father did indeed InshaaAllah fulfill his rights upon her, and she accepted his guidence and blossomed into what i consider the greatest role model of our time. What an approperate name she has MashaaAllah.
Im just so overwhlemed with learning, i dislike to die now before i have accomplished all the knowlegde i can from the people who are wise and well learned, with and by the premission of Allah only.
Allah is my greast hope, my deepest love and my greatest fear. May he make me amongst the people i spoke of Ameen. May he rectify this ummah and bring us as one again, Ameen. May he make all of us muwahidoon Ameen, and Muhsineen Ameen, and Full us with taqwa Ameen, and Tawakil Ameen. And Glorified be the Lord of the heavens and the earth. Praise be upon The Light of the heavens and earth. The Light upon Light. Exatled be the name of our Lord, Allah.
Yaa Rabbi. I really want to study in yaman and live in saudi arabi one day. *sigh* chances of living in saudi is like slim to none, and slim just left town. Im so sad about that. Maybe Allah will bless me with an upright husband who lives there.
Ha, Marriage, a whole nother issue. I have told myself enough time that im virtually married to Ibn taymiyyah Rahimahullah, that im the one who reminded him to get married ( sounds silly i know) until now i actually feel taken already. lol SubhanAllah i have issues. I want to be so much like him until i dont even want to get married either, even though i know he advised against it and he simply forgot but when i think of my hereafter and i think of my state now , and i think about how much i NEED to do and havent even learned yet, i dont see where marriage is anywhere in that fold of 'happening'. Yaa Allah it so doesnt even seem like its time for that, of course i know thats not the actuality of the situation but thats how i feel. I feel like the only want it'll actually work is if my husband is super pious like i want him to be and learne, and patient with me and TEACHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS me what he learns in a day, even if its just a mere hadeeth, and a short ayat, but he has regrades to me, and concern with my learning and wants the Jannah for me so he stays on top of me teaching me, and busying me with classes and we keep each other busied in what is khair for our hereafter and the little that concerns us on this earth. But if i cant find that i dont want anything. Because its not worth it subhanAllah its not. I rather die like this than marry someone who tears my plans of becoming a firm Taalibul ilm away. Or who doesnt have my better interest in mind and merely looks at me as a chef and maid. But one who partakes in the chore of PARENTING and teaches his childeren, and wises for them to be righteous and virtous, and learned. Making little Muhammads sallallahu alaihi wa salaam and Aishahs radiyAllahu anha out of them, and not making them the newest models and foolish people.
I have faith and hopes that my childern can be that righteous child who intersedes on my behalf on that Day. And i have hopes that my son can be the next sudais in respect to leading the salaat in the haramain. I have hopes that my daughter can be the next Shaykhah UmmAbdellah. But for someone to not share those same hopes with me SubhanAllah it would tear my whole world apart and then to me, my living and dying wouldnt be for Allahs sake anymore. Because whats it to me and man who doesnt strive hard for Allahs sake? and has no dreams of a higher place in this Dunyah in the Sight of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'la? Or has no future for his children and his 'flock'. This man to me is worthless and sterve of no benefit to me at all. Because wealth, worldy gain and status and good looks, wont help his nor my case come yawma Qiyaamah UNLESS we spent fi sabilillah, and used our status to help the mu'min and covered our good looks being chaste and modest for Allahs sake and His Sake ALONE.
*sigh* May Allah make it easy. And bring forth what is khair to me for my living and dying, and take away what is the opposite of this . Fajr Adhan just called so until next time InshaaAllah.
As salaamun Alaikum wa rahmatullahu wa barakatuh
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