Qaala Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa salaam "........At taqwa haahuna, ( wa huwa pointed ila sadruh thalaatha marrah) Al Muslim Akhul Muslim......" Rawaahu Muslim ( if im not mistaken)
Translations: The Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa salaam said ".....The taqwa, it is here ( and he pointed to his chest three times) The Muslim is the Brother to the Muslim....." Related by Muslim. ( If Im not mistaken)
I have two things which i like as hobbies:
1. Martial arts, weaponary, fighting, archery, boot camp style training, sports....or in so many words anything which has to do with a combat skill , or a fighting defense skill at whole. or some intense form of workout.
2. Marine life. Animals at large, but particularly the marine life. Its something majestic about them over the land animals. Allah is ever Most Wise.
So now youre probably sracthing your head wondering what does that hadeeth and my hobbies have to do with each other..? Well its indirectly connected.
I was just wacthing this Navy Seals video about how they train, the techniques and all that stuff, drills and generally that sort of thing. In one of the videos they have to semi learn some form of martial arts as well as boxing alongside wrestling. So in the course of the video one of the seals said something that made my stomach turn , his statement was " Its a competition, yes, when we wrestling each other, but we're 'brothers' so its never any hard feelings, its just a competetion."
*stare blankly*
I was taken aback a bit. I looked at that and the rest of the videos for that matter, and i said to myself, "wow" these people consider each other brothers, warriors alongsie one another, fighting hand and hand ( even if its only in theory, they are trained and molded to believe this) , and they are doing this, with all that loyalty, and trust, because you MUST trsut someone in order to think he'll 'cover' you when youre under attack, their motto of never leveing a man down, never leaving a man behind, their STRICT! system of respect, and honour and loyalty and bond and all these things. With not a word of guidance From Allah subhanahu wa ta'la, again taken aback.
Now dont misunderstand, I wasn't impressed with them, i was sadden at this Ummah; seeing how the Prophet sallalhu alahi wa salaam has told us over and over in many places about how we are to be one to another, and directly tells us we're brothers one to another, and that we shouldnt backbit one another, or steal from each other, or undercut one another, or belittle one another, or hold each other in comtempt. THAT is our deen, it is suppose to be what this Ummah is all about, how we are suppose to be, yet you have people stomping all over us , swatting us out of the way like mere dragon flys, demolishing all the hardwork that the ashaab and the Propeht sallallahu alahi wa salaam work for. All of our Muslim countries slowly but surely perishing, all of our brotherhood, slowly but surely fading, they dont even need to fight us anymore, we just havent put the sword down and returned to our religion yet, so they let us fight ourselves. It sad, because i think, this ummah is not only NOT at jihaad when we NEED to be for all the flith and evil that exist, but we CANT fight jihaad no matter how much we wanted to, because NONE of the conditions of jihaad are met, with 2.3 or so BILLION! Muslims around the globe, we cant fight jihaad? SubhanAllah *lowers head in shame* .
Or stepping down from that extreme, 2.3 semi billion Muslims on the globe and we can't help one another in worldly needs? Thers no way to be more Muslims owned , sharee'ah ran businesses? Theres no way to have more Muslim owned, Sharee'ah conducted schools? NAY! but yet! what we do have is Muslim owned corner stores with every sin from the front to the back cover of the Quran. Every prohibition its made you see in their stores. This is what you see. And they wonder they war in Iraq " oh my" oh my NOTHING! . RETURN back to your religion and maybe the kufr will get their FOOTS from your necks. Stop being so cowardly and fleeing leaving your women and children to be handeled however these kaafiroon see fit, and you will not be so oppressed. ALLAH SAID "THE KUFAR HAS NOT BEEN SENT AS WATCHES OVER YOU" and what does YOU mean? it means THE MUSLIMSSSSS!!!!!!!! THIS UMMAH! Allah raised HIGH the rank of the Ashaab of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa salaam, EVEN with their small their fight against the Romans for persia, it was 200,000 romans and a mere 44,000 Muslims. And they not only didnt RUN! but they FOUGHT! and they conquered...allllll because of their keeping firm to their religion. Believing in Allah, trusting in Allah, hoping, fearing LOVING ALLAH! Because they were a people who understand that all you have IS ALLAH!
Yaa Rabbus samawaati wal ard. *sigh*
We're suppose to be brothers and sisters man, whats so hard about that? dont these Muslims realize they when they jump off the deep end and start doing all sorts of sin and trangression , that they send the name 'Islam' down that same rut? Is this not plain to the eye view? Do you not know that this Ummah is ONE, and what you do affects this entire body, this entire ummah.
Yaa Rabb please turn us Back to the Religion of Ibraahim and Muhammad Ameen!
Subhanaka lahuma wa bihamdika wa ashhadu anlaailaha illaah wa asghfiruka wa atoobuilay.
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