Tuesday, June 12, 2007


<3<3 I hearrrt that book SubhanAllah. I Heart Ahaadeeth thats why. Its many terms to memorize but I love it anyway. I've been flunking off however ( may Allah forgive me and Increase me Ameen) but im going to start being serious InshaaAllah again. Just printed a bunch of notes from the revisoin section on LI, so inshaaAllah with the help and aid of Allah and then theses notes I be on my merry way woot!

MashaaAllah my step dad went to yaman! Im soo jealous lol, ( not in an evil way) I hope he gets everything striaghten so when he comes back , we can goooooooooooo. Oh Allah make it easy upon us Ameennnnn! Man i dont even have a clue of the joy i would truly feel turning to my left and right and nothing but niqaabis and women who have shame and cover themselves, and men who have shame and cover their awrah aswell. and learned students, and pious men and women and the EXTRAAAA bounus, MASHYAKH! SubhanAllah * tear* i think i'd fall in prostration honest to Allah i think i would. I know the Muslims countries arent all that grand sometimes, and they are people to but its much better than here times 100,000,000 without DOUBT!

The worst Muslim is still better than the best kaafir. And i cling to that statement dearly, because I don't want to be one of those Muslims who love a kaafir over my fellow Muslim bro or sis, no matter what he or she does. Allah is Ar Raheem , mankind sins by night and day and he forgives us if we remember and repent, and he aids us , and guides us after wronging oursevles, so why wouldnt i do the same.

That mentality is what im InshaaAllah taking to yaman with me. I hear sooooo many Muslims say how other Muslims come to the Muslim countries and then leave because the Muslim neighbour was this and that....and leave to go back to the land of the kufr, Aoodhubillah min dhalik. The mu'min is the one who strives and struggles in the path of Allah, not the one who encounters small hardships and then threw in the rags and say "kahlas!! im out of here"....Aoodhubillah.

May Allah save my family and Myself from being like that Ameen. Because i dont eveeeeeeeeeeeer want to return to the land of kufr after going to a khair Muslim land.

I feel like Hasan al basree rahimahullah who use to close his eyes when seeing a kaafir , not wanting to even LOOK at what Allah was displeased with.

Especially these horrible bahamians who are christians, i hate what they are upon and it boils me OVER when they mock at me once having the diease in their hearts of shirk and kufr. How dare they!? But then i clam myself because my Lord says They laugh at us now, but on that day we shall laugh at them. And Yaa Allah i can barely wait. But still i want out of this place. No where for a person who is concern with his or her deen. Its a place that the shayateen of men and jinn have taken over, and good hardly lives, if any at all.

Anyhow i need to go pray chit chat later InshaaAllah....

Was salaamun alay

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