As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh..
Or whats better wording is hijrah dilema. SubhanAllah im sooo ready to GET OFF THIS ISLAND! and everytime i turn around its a problem with us leaving...this isnt good because of this, the kids this, the land that, the this that the that this *pulls out hair* I know every family has differenet situation and conditions and limitations and obsticles but Allah Ar Rahman, im getting soooooooooo ENTIRELY fed up. Wallah im ready to leave this side of the world, I.HATE.THE.WEST. PERIOOOOOOOD!!!! I really do SubhanAllah i DO! I know, Allah knows i know it wont be easy, and it takes some getting use to, but if i can get use to this flith ive been living in for the past 3 years, then it should take me half that time to adjust to a MUSLIM LAND! like damaaj anyway. Wallahi im sick of looking for the easy way out. Im sick of feeling like adjusting to the eastern ways of living and landscapping is so 'difficult' to adjust and adapt to. I hear about the sahaabi and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salaam and i hear the STRUGGLE they went thru, and yemen and the poorest african countries together cant amount to that burden. Why was it so easy for them to accept the struggle , and struggle in the path, and its so hard for us to even imagine?
I'm not wanting to die over here, i pray Allah doesnt disgrace me and kill me amongst these lowly flithy humans, i want to have the honour of a proper funeral, of being situated next to a MUSLIM grave. The horror in the thought of having to live for however many years amongst these kaafirron and then dying having to lay next to them until the day of judgment. And some mght read and say " psht you wont even care about who youre laying next to whilst in your grave youre just going to be worried with your affairs" If you thought or sai that then you obviously missed the analogy here, its not about the literal sense of he situation, rather emphasising on the point of living with them. Nonetheless, I really want to get off this Island.
I dont want to be one of those Muslims who has been muslim for soooo long and still dont know anything. Psht once my teacher goes back to her country im pretty much doomed, i cant speak arabi yet, which means i wont be able to teacher myself even if i WANTED to. Im sick of being in this dispicible state, engulfed in ignorace and dumbfondedness. Emerged in shirk kufr and low matters of this world, Yaa Allah im exhausted * tears*, i just want to opportunity even if its just for a blink of an eye to see my family, my way of life, my one love walking in full stride next to me and up holding this beautiful religion, i just want to have the opportunity even if its a split ear of a sec to hear a Shaykh speak LIVE! Just , Yaa Rabbi, to have the chance to be around learned righteous people who helps me to the path to Jannah, just a chance at life, because this what ive been living for the past 18 years isnt living. This is not what i consider to be life, i feel so dead, so burden, so held down and submerged under a thick blanket of tangled webs and misguided foes. I want to be that soil that the rain pours upon and i not only accept the rain, but it seeps into my cover and nurture my roots and brings forth beautiful vegetation or a blossom of flowers or grass to graze on.
This is my heart, that is my soul, here you find my ultimate strive, *tear* and i cant do that on this side of the wrong, where everything i just mentioned is the absolute opposite. Every sin every commited is sooo wide speard, every prohibition ever sent is over stepped all the time, ever halal thing ever laid, is mock at and they take as a means of jest and jokes. Im sick of that, honestly to the depths of my soul , im entirely sick of that. And i want out, i want By the premission of my Lord Most High, a life.
Yaa Allah please give me patiences in this diversed time of hardship, Yaa Al Quddus please not become angery for me if i fall short and am upset with your qadr in a blame worthy way. Yaa Al Mu'min please set me upon the straight path, Yaa AR-Raheem please forgive me. Yaa Dhul Jalaali wal ikram, please make easy my affairs and bring forth to me what is khair for my living and my dying ...Yaa Rabbul Arshil Adheem Allahuma Ameen!!!
Assalaamu 'Alaiki Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu
Masha'Allaah 1 I love Your Sotry . Its So Beautful And Deep . May Allaah Make It Easy On You . Ameen ! And May Allaah Grant You Good Life From THe HereAfter .Ameen !
Your Ukhti Fee Deenillah
Assalamu alaikum,
I am also a Muslim girl living in the Bahamas. I was reading your blog and it makes me sick by some of the hateful things that you write here.
Sister, I'm sure that you have the best of intentions for your blog. You mention in your post at the top of the page that you would want for people who are not Muslim to read your blog, and contact you if they are interested more about Islam.
However,you will never be able to attract people to the Truth, and the beauty of Islam which we all know by degrading, shaming, and referring to non-Muslims who live in the Bahamas as "lowly filthy humans." and other things you mention about non_Muslims and the Bahamas you have throughout your blog.
It is a turn-off, and no one is ever going to be interested in Islam, and will turn away from Islam if you continue to refer to people who are not Muslim in this manner. It is un-Islamic, and NOT of the characteristics that a Muslim strives to be like.
Alhamdulilah, you and I are Muslim. But there are others in the Bahamas, and elsewhere in the world who are not. Maybe its because they never had the chance to know. Maybe because we as Muslims never tried hard enough to teach them about Islam. Or they have misconceptions. That doesn't make them any less worthy.
All it means, that for us who are living here, that we should do our best to convey the message of Islam to the best of our ability through whatever means possible.
Islam was not spread through preaching humiliation, and degrading others. If that was the case, people would never be Muslims. Rather, it was the persistence, and patience in spite of all odds that Islam prevailed in the past, and insha'allah will continue to prevail now.
May Allah Guide us All.
BismiAllah wal hamdulillah was salaatu was salaamu ala Rasulullah...
this what i am about to post is an email in which i responded to 'superhijaabi's comment via email, however i think it is better to post my reply/ defense on here, since her comment/attack is public and on her.
BY Allah i do not intend to go any futher than this with this situation, she commented i emailed she replied i replied, faqat! inshaaAllah, unless the right of my deen or honour deems otherwise.
wa ba'd..
My first reply to the comment via email.....
"bismiAllah wal hamduli Allah was salatu was salaamu ala Rasulullah
as salaamu alaikum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakaatuh
Regarding your comment some weeks ago on my blog,
Firstly, i would like to know what hateful things you read because i did not read any, other than saying i hate the transgressions and sins which are abundantly committed in these places practically the bahamas, and if Allah mentions His hate and says the curse of Allah is upon them and the anger of Allah is upon them, then i not only have right to feel the same but i am obliged to! Secondly, aside from not even being aware of what you read and are referring to, i also was not talking to any one person in particular, or any one group of people at all, and i was not hating anything aside from what i am suppose to hate because of the evil in which it contains. Thirdly, Like mentioned up there my writing is and was not aimed towards any particular anything, but rather is my own expressions and views on my life, my blog is not for da'wah , or that particular blog was not, i am not attributing my speech to Islam, however my speech has not contradicted Islam, as my views derived from Islam. Fourthly, just to note, as this was not even mentioned anywhere on my blog from what i can remember, the Muslimoon and the kafiroon are not on the same level and in many places Allah has elevated the status of the believer and cursed and disgraced the kaafiroon , I am not some ignorant person unaware of the world, I am well aware that everyone has not been introduced to Islam and even some who have you can not tell, Allah tells us to fight against those who fight against you, I am no jihaadi , or takfiree , or ikhwaani or any other radical sect branched from Islam, I do not intentionally redicure any person or persons directly, but there is no harm in mentioning the sin of shirk or alcohol or nakedness in how it effects something, as Allah has prohibited it and will punish it's people, doing it is a sin, loving it is the same, and hating it is obligatory, so i have fallen short in understanding where my error lies.
I am not , InshaaAllah, from those who are arrogant, so if you find error in me, or something i have said or done, and you have constructive criticism of me or it, with proofs from Islam , then i accept it readily and willingly, but a mere opinion is not preferred, InshaaAllah. Lastly, i would like it much better if in the future you ever had something of this nature to say, that you contact me by email, as i assume you well figured out who i am by now, Allah knows best if you did then, but now you surely know InshaaAllah.
May Allah guide us all, have mercy on us, and forgive us Ameen.
As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakaatuh"
Her email reply...
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
I've already expressed what i had to say already, so there is no need for me to say the same thing all over again.
Also, in my comment, I put in quotations exactly what I was referring to as well. But I'll email it again.....
I just wanted to point out a few things to you:
Secondly, aside from not even being aware of what you read and are referring to, i also was not talking to any one person in particular, or any one group of people at all, and i was not hating anything aside from what i am suppose to hate because of the evil in which it contains.
I cut and pasted directly from your blog, and it is this (hateful things) that I'm specifically referring to:
"i pray Allah doesnt disgrace me and kill me amongst these lowly flithy humans,"
"Im live in the crumbhole Bahamas. Its not Allahs Island im upset with, its the flithy people on it. These flithy christians, yeah thats right, im not jihaadi so dont take my words like war or anything,"
Hmmm, it sounds like you are talking about a specific group of people........
Like mentioned up there my writing is and was not aimed towards any particular anything, but rather is my own expressions and views on my life, my blog is not for da'wah ,........Lastly, i would like it much better if in the future you ever had something of this nature to say, that you contact me by email,
Your blog doesn't have to be for the intention of da'wah for it to have an influence on non-Muslims or Muslims for that matter. It is public, and everyone can read it. It is very obvious that is a blog by a Muslim writer, and it is Islam that is being talked about. Of course it is your opinion, and readers have the choice of reading it or completely ignoring it, but my point was that it is un-Islamic and not of the charateristics of a Muslim to degrade people who are non-Muslims as "lowly filthy humans"
I have never read any Qur'anic verse which refers to Christians like that, nor I have heard any of the Prophet Muhammad 's(SAW) speech, or actions behaving in that manner towards non-Muslims. If you can find any sahih hadith where the Prophet degraded people who are not Muslim like this, feel free to email it to me.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the best among us in speech, characters, and manners among us. And he was the most patient of us when it came to matters of dealing with non-Muslims. Insha'allah I hope we can all follow his example.
As for sending my comments by email. You have a public blog where you have the right to express your thoughts and opinions. And as there is public commenting available on your blog. I, and anyone who has an opinion on any of your posts have the right to express our feelings, thoughts and criticisms by public comments. Thats what blogging is about. Like you have your right to say what you feel, so everyone can read. I have a right to voice my opinion as well so that people can read as well.
But if you find it offensive, you are welcome to delete my comments from your blog. Or you can respond publicly. Thats your choice.
My second and InshaaAllah last email reply...
bismiAllah wal hamdulillah was salaatu was salaamu ala Rasulullah
wa ba'd
as salaamu alaikum
I didn't email you requesting you repeat anything, as i firmly believe you shouldn't have said it to begin with more less say it again.
I would like to see the daleel that says anything i said on my blog was not from the conduct of Islam, as i dont know anything what so ever, and even if everyone uses different words to express the same thing, it all means the same in the end, and the point was and is, I did not wish to die amongst those lowly people,
as Allah has said " VERILY THE KUFAR ARE THE WORST OF CREATION" al bayyinah
"Until death comes to one of them, they will say " oh my lord send me back so that i may do GOOD in that which i left behind" "
Allah says back to them
" NO! it is but a word he speaks, behind them is a barrier until the day that they will be resurrected"
up and until the ayat where these musrikoon say with displaced lips,
"Our lord bring us out from this; if we return (to evil) then indeed we shall be dhalimoon"
Allah says back to them
" He (Allah) will say: Remain you in it with ignominy and speak you not to Me" surah Muminoon
So pay attention as to how my lord refers to these erring people, as they will call themselves on yamul qiyamah
Allah also says
" say ( o Muhammad sallallahu alahi wa salaam to the polytheists) " Do you order me to worship other than Allah? O you fools!" Az zumar 64
" Have you ( O Muhammad sallallahu alahi wa salaam) not seen those (hypocrites) who take as friends a people upon whom is the wrath of Allah (ie jews)? They are neither of you (muslims) nor them ( jews), and they swear to a lie while they know"
"Allah has prepared for them a severe torment. Evil indeed is that which they used to do."
" On that day when Allah will resurrect them all together ( for their account); then they will swear to Him as they swear to you ( o MUSLIMS). And they think they have something ( to stand upon). Verily they are LIARS!"
" Shaytan has overpowered them. So he has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of the shaytan . Verily, it is the party of shaytan that will be the LOSERS!"
" Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger , they will be among the LOWEST ( most humiliated) ." Surah Mujadilah
Look again! at how my Lord refers to these lowly! creatures, i am not meant to make a friendship or bond with a people who openly mock me or condemn my religion nor the Lord i worship , ALLAH SAYS fight against those who fight against YOU!!!!!!! and those who don't then you don't. My Lord says that their speech that He has a son almost caused the heavens to split, and it caused the mountains to break and the earth! Because THEY know, the hatred of this to their Lord Most HIGH. I hate those who hate the oneness of Allah, and do not submit to what their Lord has commanded them to of His lordship, and i detest those who detest me, and i fight those who fight me ( for saying laa ilaaha ila Allah ) , and those who are civil then i too am civil, find the proof against this way, if you know one.
Allah says in His book
" Verily , the worst of moving ( living ) creatures before Allah are those who disbelieve, so they shall not believe" Al Anfal 55
"Verily , the worst of (moving) living creatures with Allah are the deaf and the dumb, who understand not" Al Anfal 22
" Had Allah known of any good in them, He would indeed have made them listen; and even if He had made them listen, they would but have turned away with aversion ( the truth)" Al Anfal 23
Has my Lord mistakenly called them the worst deaf dumb non understanding moving/ living creatures with no good in them?! i think not, Allah has said the truth about them, and i have said what my Lord has said.
Hassan Al Basree, that esteemed, that noble, Aalam of the past, when He, Rahimahullah, would see a kaafir he would close his eyes saying , "I DO NOT WISH TO EVEN LOOK AT WHAT ALLAH IS DISPLEASED WITH!" He mentioned displeased, not to mentioned, curse upon, wrath upon, anger upon, punishment upon, hellfire upon, and the list goes on. I know why i said what i said, and i also don't know anything which prevents me from saying what i said, Allah knows better than me what i said and better than me if anything prevents me, and Indeed He is my judge. SO like i said then, and i'll say again, if you have some authenticated proof from the book of Allah or the sunnah of His, Messenger, sallallahu alahi wa salaam, or the words and advice from the salaf of old and new, then i will take that, anything else is rejected as my manhaj followers the book of Allah, EXPLAINED by His Prophet, sallallahu alahi wa salaam, and by the guidance of Him, the salaf rahmatullahu alaikum!
and you reply as you wish, openly or privately, just be sure that an appropriated hadeeth and/or ayah, or saying from our righteous shuyouk precedes your speech.
was salaatu was salaamu ala Rasulullah.
I did not write this as to go back and forward with this, i could care less about what is said without a poof, and nor can i be bothered with these blog wars inshaaAllah.
And with Allah lies all success
was salaatu was salaamu ala Rasulu Allah
Assalamu alaikum
Sister, you missed the entire point. May Allah Guide us all to the Right Path. Ameen.
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